Thursday, October 3, 2024

Wind is a special treat, 風がご馳走

The title of this painting is "Wind is a special treat". It was a very very hot summer, and the cool wind is a Gochiso (special treat). Thanks wind.



Monday, September 23, 2024

Out of summer storms, 夏の嵐の外へ

 I wanted to leave a visual record of this summer experience, that is, two major surgeries. Using storms as metaphor of the surgeries. The title of the painting will be "Out of summer storms". 大きな手術を2回経験したこの夏のことを、視覚的な記録で残したいと考えました。夏の嵐を手術のメタファーとしました。タイトルは「夏の嵐の外へ」

Monday, July 22, 2024

At the phoenix's nest, 不死鳥の巣にて

 The title of the painting is "At the phoenix's nest". With the recent series of paintings, I am visually chronicling my life events.絵のタイトルは「不死鳥の巣にて」。最近の連作は、私の日々のビジュアル記録のつもりです。

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Phoenix's gift, 不死鳥の贈り物

A gift from an immortal bird is a pair of wing to fly. 不死鳥からの贈り物は飛翔のための一対の羽。