Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Pruning and weeding, 剪定と除草

 The title is "Pruning and weeding". The growth per se is a good thing, but not so when one plant overgrows to do harm to the others. With a proper pruning, the overgrown plant itself benefit at the end of the day. The same applies to other activities in this world, like politics. 題名は「剪定と除草」。植物の成長そのものは良いものですが、繁りすぎると他の植物の害になります。折々に適切な剪定と除草をすることは繁りすぎの植物の健康な成長に繋がります。同じ事は私たちの世界の諸活動にも当てはまります。例えば政治とか。

Monday, July 18, 2022

Roots matter

 The title is "Roots matter". Whatever we enjoy in this life is there because of the great providence, roots of life. Let us thank the roots. Our gratitude energizes the roots. 私たちがこの世で享受しているものは、大いなる守護という根のおかげです。感謝。私たちの感謝が根を勇ませます。

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Looking after the mind and the world.

 The title is "Looking after the mind and the world". There is the presence/power that embraces humans and the world. It looks at the mind and gives guidance when it be used in the wrong way. It also provides everything so that the natural world, including our bodies, functions normally.

The lady in red kimono is tenderly embracing the woman's hair(her mind) so that her hair takes a shape of a heart. Any negative thoughts need this kind of warm care, or else such thoughts end up to be destructive to the person and the others around.



Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Typhoon waning. a PhotoHaiku

 First typhoon of the season was approaching, but it has turned to just a gust wind on the way. It brought good rainfall to my garden. I thank for it. 今年初めての台風。ですが、北上中に熱帯低気圧に。それでも、庭に十分な雨をもたらしました。感謝。