Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Bowing / おじぎ

 The title is "Bowing". The harvesting time for rice plants is just around the corner. Ripe grains of rice is heavy and all plants bow their heads. A saying goes, "The boughs that bear most hang lowest". I need to remember that and apply it to my daily attitude, now that I have reached the ripe age. I need to remind myself of doing as much bowing as possible to greet, appreciate, and respect the others. タイトルは「おじぎ」です。収穫を迎える米は「実るほど頭を垂れる稲穂かな」の状態。私も70代になり、稲穂の真似をして、高い頭を低くする時期になりました。まわりに対して偉そうにせず日々を過ごそうと思います。

Thursday, September 15, 2022

In Good Hands

 The title is "In Good Hands". The title implies, in good hands "of something great in this world". This painting is dedicated to the late Queen, as well as those who passed in this month. タイトルは「安らかに」。英語のタイトルには、月日親神の手元に、という意味を込めています。この絵を先ごろお亡くなりになった女王、そしてこの月に亡くなった方々に捧げます。

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Untangling / ほどく

 The title is "Untangling". It is about untangling the inner struggle or conflict. In Japanese kanji, inner struggles is "葛藤”. The first kanji is Kuzu or Japanese arrowroot, and the second is wisteria. Both plants have vine, and they tend to tangle. So in the kanji, our inner struggles are likened to the tangled vines. What is happening in the political scene in Japan now is the tangling of a political party and an anti-social organization. On the personal level, we have tangled thoughts and struggle from time to time. Even the tangling of the hair is annoying at times. When in a difficult time, our hope and wish (rainbow) are tangled. Steps of untangling begin with moderation of self-centeredness. It takes time but untangling is a must in order to correct the course of life, both in the larger world and in personal lives. Such is the intention of this painting. 題名は「ほぐす」。葛藤という言葉は、葛と藤でできています。両方とも蔓が特色の植物。私たちの心の葛藤も諸事の絡み合いから起こります。蔓が絡み合っているような状態。現在、政治団体と反社会的団体の絡み合いが問題になっています。国政のために絡み合いをほぐす必要があります。個人のレベルでも葛藤が起こります。髪が絡まっていても不愉快なものです。夢・希望の虹が絡み合ってしまっては生きる楽しみが消えてしまいます。絡みをほぐすには、利己的な考えを慎むことから始めます。時間がかかっても、ほぐす作業は健全な姿を取り戻すために必要です。そんな思いを込めてこの絵を描きました。

Prayer dance / 祈りの踊り

 The title is "Prayer dance". The prayers have been accompanied with dance and music since the ancient times. With this dance, we pray for the well being of not just humans but all the living in the world. 題名は「祈りの踊り」。古代より、人間は祈る時に踊りや音楽を用いてきました。この絵の踊りでは、人のためだけではなく、すべての生命の幸を祈ります。