Wednesday, December 14, 2022

A painting for the coming new year of rabbits

 A painting for the coming new year of rabbits. Let's us hop around like rabbits, come a new year.卯年のための絵です。年が明けたら、うさぎさんのように跳ねまわりましょう。


Friday, November 25, 2022

Salmon run 母川回帰

 Why the salmon returns to the river where it was born has been unclear, but the recent study reveals that the salmon remembers the scent of the river. Amazing sensory power. 何故鮭が生まれた川に戻るのかは分からない事でした。しかし、最近の研究で、川を匂いを覚えてくるから、ということがわかってきました。すごい感覚です。

Saturday, November 19, 2022

A day in winter

 The area where I live is hot in summer and cold in winter. It is cold in winter but we hardly have snowfall, maybe once or twice during the season. Hope there will be enough snow so that I can make a snowman like in this painting. 私の住む地域は、夏暑く、冬は寒い。寒いけれど、降雪はほんの一、二度だけ。絵のような雪だるまを作れる降雪があるといいのですが。

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Daily delivery / 毎日の届け物

 The title is "Daily delivery". In the painting, a man is delivering the Ume flower(God's blessing) to the person in the sick bed. 絵の題名は「毎日の届け物」。絵の中で男の人が梅の花(神の守護)を病床の人に届けています。

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Mirror of heart/世界は鏡

 The title is "Mirror of heart". We can check how our body looks on the mirror. How can we, then, do the same about our heart or mind? By seeing what is around you, you can get some hints of what your mind is like. How people around you behave, or what they say. Or what is happen in the society. All these give you hints. The world you see is the mirror of your heart/mind. タイトルは「世界は鏡」。私たちは鏡を使って、自分の体がどう見えるのか確認します。体以外の自分、つまり心については、自分を取り囲む世界の様相が教えてくれます。自分の周りに居る人々の言動、自分が見聞きする社会の様相、これらを通して自分の心の姿を知ることができるのです。

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The Story of Creation 元の理


The Story of Creation in text:

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Bowing / おじぎ

 The title is "Bowing". The harvesting time for rice plants is just around the corner. Ripe grains of rice is heavy and all plants bow their heads. A saying goes, "The boughs that bear most hang lowest". I need to remember that and apply it to my daily attitude, now that I have reached the ripe age. I need to remind myself of doing as much bowing as possible to greet, appreciate, and respect the others. タイトルは「おじぎ」です。収穫を迎える米は「実るほど頭を垂れる稲穂かな」の状態。私も70代になり、稲穂の真似をして、高い頭を低くする時期になりました。まわりに対して偉そうにせず日々を過ごそうと思います。

Thursday, September 15, 2022

In Good Hands

 The title is "In Good Hands". The title implies, in good hands "of something great in this world". This painting is dedicated to the late Queen, as well as those who passed in this month. タイトルは「安らかに」。英語のタイトルには、月日親神の手元に、という意味を込めています。この絵を先ごろお亡くなりになった女王、そしてこの月に亡くなった方々に捧げます。

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Untangling / ほどく

 The title is "Untangling". It is about untangling the inner struggle or conflict. In Japanese kanji, inner struggles is "葛藤”. The first kanji is Kuzu or Japanese arrowroot, and the second is wisteria. Both plants have vine, and they tend to tangle. So in the kanji, our inner struggles are likened to the tangled vines. What is happening in the political scene in Japan now is the tangling of a political party and an anti-social organization. On the personal level, we have tangled thoughts and struggle from time to time. Even the tangling of the hair is annoying at times. When in a difficult time, our hope and wish (rainbow) are tangled. Steps of untangling begin with moderation of self-centeredness. It takes time but untangling is a must in order to correct the course of life, both in the larger world and in personal lives. Such is the intention of this painting. 題名は「ほぐす」。葛藤という言葉は、葛と藤でできています。両方とも蔓が特色の植物。私たちの心の葛藤も諸事の絡み合いから起こります。蔓が絡み合っているような状態。現在、政治団体と反社会的団体の絡み合いが問題になっています。国政のために絡み合いをほぐす必要があります。個人のレベルでも葛藤が起こります。髪が絡まっていても不愉快なものです。夢・希望の虹が絡み合ってしまっては生きる楽しみが消えてしまいます。絡みをほぐすには、利己的な考えを慎むことから始めます。時間がかかっても、ほぐす作業は健全な姿を取り戻すために必要です。そんな思いを込めてこの絵を描きました。

Prayer dance / 祈りの踊り

 The title is "Prayer dance". The prayers have been accompanied with dance and music since the ancient times. With this dance, we pray for the well being of not just humans but all the living in the world. 題名は「祈りの踊り」。古代より、人間は祈る時に踊りや音楽を用いてきました。この絵の踊りでは、人のためだけではなく、すべての生命の幸を祈ります。

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Sharing rainbow bananas 虹バナナのおすそ分け」

 The title is "Sharing rainbow bananas". I saw a banana the other day and thought it shaped like a rainbow. Rainbow is a symbol of hope and dream, I think. It is nice to share it with others. 題名は「虹バナナをおすそ分け」。先日、バナナに虹の形を見出しました。虹は、希望と夢のシンボルだと考えています。それを皆さんにお分けするのってナイスだな、と思ってこの絵を描きました。

Monday, August 15, 2022

Water around us・身のまわりの水

 The title is "Water around us". The painting depict the rise and fall of moisture in the world. 絵の題名は「身のまわりの水」。絵は水気の上げ下げの姿を表現しています。

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

A night for everyone・みんなのための夜

 The title is "A night for everyone". The sky is open to everyone and, the fireworks that flower in the air are for everyone to enjoy. 題名は「みんなのための空」。空は、等しくみんなのためのもの。その空に花開く花火も同じ。みんなで楽しみましょう。

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Pruning and weeding, 剪定と除草

 The title is "Pruning and weeding". The growth per se is a good thing, but not so when one plant overgrows to do harm to the others. With a proper pruning, the overgrown plant itself benefit at the end of the day. The same applies to other activities in this world, like politics. 題名は「剪定と除草」。植物の成長そのものは良いものですが、繁りすぎると他の植物の害になります。折々に適切な剪定と除草をすることは繁りすぎの植物の健康な成長に繋がります。同じ事は私たちの世界の諸活動にも当てはまります。例えば政治とか。

Monday, July 18, 2022

Roots matter

 The title is "Roots matter". Whatever we enjoy in this life is there because of the great providence, roots of life. Let us thank the roots. Our gratitude energizes the roots. 私たちがこの世で享受しているものは、大いなる守護という根のおかげです。感謝。私たちの感謝が根を勇ませます。

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Looking after the mind and the world.

 The title is "Looking after the mind and the world". There is the presence/power that embraces humans and the world. It looks at the mind and gives guidance when it be used in the wrong way. It also provides everything so that the natural world, including our bodies, functions normally.

The lady in red kimono is tenderly embracing the woman's hair(her mind) so that her hair takes a shape of a heart. Any negative thoughts need this kind of warm care, or else such thoughts end up to be destructive to the person and the others around.



Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Typhoon waning. a PhotoHaiku

 First typhoon of the season was approaching, but it has turned to just a gust wind on the way. It brought good rainfall to my garden. I thank for it. 今年初めての台風。ですが、北上中に熱帯低気圧に。それでも、庭に十分な雨をもたらしました。感謝。

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Divine hoisting / 天の綱

 The title is "Divine hoisting". The painting shows that there is always the divine hoisting when you face some difficulty in your life. You are not alone.「天の綱」というお言葉があります。困難に一人で向かうのではなく、神が天の綱で引いてくださるのです。心強いですね。

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Exhibition plan for a Tenrikyo Church

 I have been working on an exhibition plan of my painting for a Tenrikyo church, which is scheduled to be completed next September. The paintings will be printed out and pasted on fusuma paper screen doors that line both sides of the worship hall. The plan is approved today. 新築される天理教の教会での私の絵の展示を準備中で、この画像はその案です。教会は来年9月に竣工予定。私の絵はプリントアウトし、参拝場両側の襖に張り込まれることになります。今日、展示案が承認されました。

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Sweeping and washing hearts. 心をきれいに。

 The human mind is working everyday, and before you know it, it accumulates something resembling dust, which clouds the inherent radiance of the mind. Hence this painting, sweeping and washing. 私たちは心を毎日遣います。知らないうちにホコリに似たものがたまり、心本来の輝きを曇らせてしまいます。 ということで時々心をきれいにする必要がありますね。

Buds sprout from knots, a new version

 "Buds sprout from knots". Something to be of any help when you encounter difficulties in your life. 「節から芽が出る」人生でつまずいた時に役に立つ言葉です。

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Oyasama everywhere

 It is titled "Oyasama everywhere". Whenever a person tries to help the others, Oyasama is always there to help the people concerned, is the idea of this painting. Everliving Oyasama is indeed ubiquitous, like the Window OS, ha ha. 絵のタイトルは「どこにでも、おやさま」人をたすける行いがなされる場(にをいがけや、おさずけの取次など)には、おやさまはすでにそこにおられます。そしてたすけの守護を発揮してくださるのです。

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Warmth everywhere / 温みアチコチ

 The title of this painting is "Warmth everywhere". In the previous two paintings, I showed wind and water, so this new one is about fire, emphasizing the warmth of the fire. In this painting I use the image of dandelion seeds as sun rays, and they fall on trees and flowers, animal and creature, and us humans. 絵のタイトルは「温みアチコチ」です。前回の2点で風と水をテーマにしました。それで今回は火、それも温みに焦点を当てて描きました。タンポポの種を陽光に見立て、それが植物、生きもの、人間、の降り注いている様を描きました。

Monday, May 16, 2022

Water in motion

 I made a wind-themed painting the other day, and now here is a water-themed one. I am thinking that the fire will make a good triptych. 先日、風をテーマに絵を描きました。そして、今回は水がテーマです。後、火をテーマにした絵ができたら「火・水・風」の良いセットになるでしょう。

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

May breeze, 五月の風

 On a sunny day in May, I was sitting in a park full of fresh new green leaves. I enjoyed their colors, but above all, I enjoyed the breeze that passes through them. Suddenly, I had an urge to paint the breeze. ある晴れた五月の日、近くの公園で新緑を愛でていました。新緑もよかったのですが、それよりも新緑を吹き渡る風に魅了されました。風を描こう、とその時思いました。

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Great mother, 偉大なる母

 The title of this painting is "A great mother". In the painting, she is turning a world ferris wheel. People, young and all, bring heart-shaped flowers to her. It is a tribute to Oyasama and to all the moms of the world.


Monday, April 25, 2022

Jan. 26, 1887

 The painting shows the scene when Oyasama hid herself, listening to the sound of prayer service, and a little later revealed via a special priest that she just hid herself and her blessing would still remain as before. Thus, she assured people the salvation would continue forever.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Oct. 26, 1838

 The title of the painting is "Oct. 26, 1838". That is when Tenrikyo religion started. To understand all the symbolism in the painting, please read the article in this link:


Wednesday, April 13, 2022

April 18, 1798

 The title of this painting is "April 18". That is the birthday of a very special baby girl. Here is a link to info about her:


Sunday, April 10, 2022

After petals fall

 The Sakura had the time of the year, and the season moves on. Now the petals are mostly gone and instead, new fresh green leaves are sprouting everywhere. This painting shows what is happening in the nature now. Appreciating the Sakura petals, I painted each one with care.今年はお天気が良く、桜の花は思う存分に季節を楽しんだことでしょう。その季節は終わりに近づき新しい季節へと変わっていきます。代わって新鮮な若葉が勢いよく葉をひろげています。そんな季節感を絵にしてみました。花びらのいのちを愛おしみながら、一弁づつ描きました。

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Dancing in sakura flowers

 Every year when the sakura flowers bloom, I am overwhelmed with the bursting of the nature's energy. Spring time certainly brings out that kind of power, not only in the sakara flowers, but also in us humans. I feel the strong urge to start again, to create something new. 毎年、桜の季節になると、いつも自然の力強いエネルギーに圧倒されます。春はそういう力を発散し、桜の花だけでなく人々も何か生み出してみたい、という欲求に駆られます。私もそうで、このような絵を描きました。

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Shidare Sakura

 Sakura trees of all kind, including Shidare sakura, are in full bloom now in my town. So many flowers on the trees are offering to us such a pleasure of viewing. In return, I wanted to paint as many flowers as I could in this painting. My way of saying "Thank you" to the flowers.  私の町にはたくさんの桜の木があります。立派な枝垂れ桜も3本あり、数えきれないほど多くの花を咲かせ、私たちを楽しませてくれています。お返しに、私の絵もできるだけ多くの花を描きました。私流の桜の花に対する「ありがとう」です。

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Budding season

 The title of the painting is "Budding season". Flowers are budding and blooming now that the spring is here. In this painting, flowers and budds are children being born and grow up with the support of the grown-ups. The theme of my painting is about what we humans have been doing all these years and in all cultures. Things we will keep on doing in the future, too.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

World Haiku Anthology 2022

  designed the cover of World Haiku anthology 2022. I used aluminum foil and washi paper. I think they make an interesting juxtaposition of materials. The foil is cut in the shape of rainbow arch and washi paer in the shape of human body.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

Buds being pulled forth

 The title of this painting is, "Buds being pulled forth". Shoots and buds of plants are being pulled forth by something great in the heaven and the earth. Pulling out a baby at birth, and baby growing, and being able to walk and jump around, all these are the providence of something great, too.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

Rendezvous--sky and sea

 The title of this painting is, "Rendezvous--sky and sea". We usually see the horizon, a calm straight line, at where sky and sea meet. But in this painting, it is a rendezvous of sky and sea. I wanted to make the meeting dynamic and joyous. In days of Covid, meeting the others is difficult, but when the situation improves, people will meet as in this painting.


Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Hearts in the sky

 Signs of a new season is beginning to be felt here and there. Spring is indeed just around the corner. What with all the stress we accumulate in our mind because of the Covid thing, we wish to free our mind, and let it play with birds and clouds in the warm and bright sky.


Friday, February 25, 2022

24/7 and 365

 Something great is working 24 hours 7days, and all year around. The sun gives warmth and light during the daytime. At night, the moon is watching over us. There is water and wind. We take these things for granted but these are something we show gratitude to.


Monday, February 21, 2022

Unity tree

 世の中には多様性があります。人々にも多様性がありますが、体と心という面では、人間は一つ、と言えます。木に例えれば人間の元は一つの木で、枝葉や根など全体は大きな力に生かされているのです。なのに争いがあるのは、同じ木の枝どおしが争っているようなものです。なんか変ですね。同じ木で育つお互いだから、むしろ仲良く育つのが本来のあり方でしょう。そんな思いを絵にしてみました。「一木一つ Unity tree」。根っこは一緒で葉は多様にしてみました。

Stay put

 The experience of about 10 days of stay-at-home last month because of Covid, made me come up with this haiga. Those who had the similar experience can identify with this piece.



Thursday, February 17, 2022

Wrinkled rainbow

 Because of the prolonged gloomy period of the Covid days, our hopes and wishes have lost their vividness. Rainbow is a symbol of hopes and wishes, but it seems as if it is wrinkled due to the mood of this age. I think it is about time we smooth out the wrinkled rainbow, our hopes and wishes. Better days will surely come. Let's keep on crossing our fingers.


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Pali painter


Saturday, January 8, 2022

A good conversation

 The title of the painting is, "A good conversation". Good conversation yields good fruits and flowers.


Sunday, January 2, 2022

Breathing in a new year

 Title of the painting is "Breathing in a new year". I made this painting in a hope that our breathing will be easier in the new year. Past two years were the time to think how much we take for granted the simple action like breathing.
